Welcome to my Portofolio.

I’m Elouan Haquin.
A CS student and a Game Programmer.

Here are some projects I made :

Elouan Haquin

My name is Elouan Haquin and you can see my CV here.
After an High School diploma in Computer Science (2017), I went to Isart Digital Montreal where I learnt a lot about game programming.
I was always curious about every aspect of programming, so I decided to take a year to learn more about others languages, how to make web pages, app..etc.
When you learn by yourself, sometimes it's hard to make things the right way, and not just make them "work on my computer". So since 2019 I have been studying at the Robert Schumann IUT in Strasbourg. With this new knowledge, I now make websites and softwares for local businesses.
What I like about programming are the challenges and how to overcome them. You can find my contact infomation on my cv.

Next Project
OpenGL Minecraft

Source code and screenshots are available here (WIP). Made with OpenGL, wrote in C++. That was a team project (3 programmers) back to 2018.
Never finished, It keep comming back to my head, and I have decided to re-write it and finished it.
This is not so easy, there is more than 100 files, 0 documentation, and that was now 3 years ago.


Source code and screenshots are available here . Made with the SDL, wrote in C++.
That was a team project (2 programmers) back to December 2017. The goal was to make a rasterizer from scratch. We went from nothing to blinn-phong implementation. In the course of 30 days, we learn like never before, everyone should try to do a rasterizer.


Source code and screenshots are available here . Made with Unity, wrote in C#. That was a team project back to 2020.
The goal was to make a Serious Game explaining how Serious Games works.
We were 3, but I acted like a Lead Programmer as I have the more experience. It was fun, looks not so great but everything is home-made.

happy Bankrupt

Source code and screenshots are available here . Made with Unity, wrote in C#. That was a game-jam project back to 2018.
We planned to do a choice-game for the Ludum Dare 40. You're playing an old man trying to get rif of his money. A Reign Like game, every decision will impact the course of the game.

Previous project

And there is plenty others on my GitHub.